Native Australian Tetragonula Hockingsi Honey – Kabei


Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Weight .035 kg
Box QTY:

40 in stock

About the product

Our native Australian honey is only harvested from hives that we rescue (excess or damaged honey pots), it is never taken off an established hive. All proceeds from this product goes towards future rescue and rehabilitation of native bees which includes procuring beehives built by a local tradesman.

If you have never tasted native honey here is your opportunity 🙂 considered to be one of the rarest types of honey in the world as a strong hive will only produce between 500g to 1kg per year providing there is sufficient flowers available to them. Native Honey has a distinct flavour and texture and is bursting with a sweet, tangy citrus flavour.

When we rescue native bees (usually Tetragonula Hokingsi) from water meters and utility boxes we transfer the brood and limited amount of honey and pollen pots. We do this because having excess and/or honey and pollen pots in a newly relocated hive can attract pests and vermin. When a hive is newly relocated is susceptible to attack as it is weak and defenseless which can result in the hive collapsing.

The honey pots that are left behind in the water meter or utility box are carefully removed and the honey extracted, the honey is simply strained and the vials filled with the liquid gold. All native bee honey sales go straight towards helping us rescue and relocate more native Australian bees.

Weight .035 kg

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